Candice Dupree Pens Beautiful Open Letter to Her Twin Daughters

To my two amazing little ladies on #InternationalDayoftheGirl. I can’t wait for the day that the two of you come to realize how caring, intelligent, funny, and compassionate you are.

Life is going to be filled with lots of ups and downs. I promise to always celebrate your ups and protect you and guide you through the downs. I will do my best to help you navigate through this thing called life. It won’t always be easy, but I know my two strong-willed girls will persevere!

In a world that looks to suppress those that are not seen as the “societal norm” trust and believe me when I say that you both will be STRONG, BLACK, BADASS, INDEPENDENT WOMEN!

Lastly, know that the two of you are my greatest gift and my biggest achievement in my short 36 years of living. I’ll always be here for you and I will always love you both!



P.S. Today may be #InternationalDayoftheGirl but our minds #EVERYDAYisDayoftheGirl!